Hey there!
So, here I am in Ireland :]] It's been an eventful few days, that's for sure! I've been running around town setting up bank accounts, getting an Irish SIM card for my phone, and other things of the like. I'm sorry I haven't yet had time to post :]] No worries, though! That's about to change.
If you're friends with me on Facebook (find me at http://www.facebook.com/shawna.lynan), you've seen my pics of my new apartment. But here they are again just in case. The first is the view out my window (on a rare moment of sunshine!) :]]
I'm on Skype and iChat a ton, so if you use those things let me know! Fortunately, I live very close to the school where I worked all last summer; in fact, I've been walking past it every day. I dropped in yesterday to see some of my friends and say hi to everyone, which was tons of fun. Some of the girls and I (Tanya, Andrea, and Mags) went out for a bite last night and caught up. It was a lovely evening, full of stellar company and conversation.
My roommate, Norma, is an absolute doll, as well. She met me at the airport when I arrived early Monday morning (5:00am, what a trooper!) and helped me haul my luggage down to the apartment through the rain. I had two checked bags, a carry-on, and a backpack, weighing (in total) about 150 pounds. Thank goodness Norma helped me, I never would have been able to manage on my own!
The day I arrived, it was dreadful weather (which I, being me, loved). The folk at the Student Fees and International Management Offices accused me of bringing the rain with me. It's been a bit clearer and somewhat sunny since then, which is lovely. All weather here is lovely, truth be told!
Today has been less busy; I went to the bank for a bit after a fantastic lunch with Teresa (my former supervisor) at the Korean buffet on Capel Street that we used to go to. Hopefully I'll have a quiet evening in tonight so I can continue to train my sleep cycle to appreciate Irish time zones...it's been mostly smooth sailing but this morning was a bit rough, haha!
I love hearing from home, so feel free to message me! I'm on Facebook lots, too :]]
Your place looks lovely! I enjoyed all your posts. Thanks for writing and sharing your photos.... Sending hugs across the world, Katya